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🙋 Contributing

Head over to our public repository and:

  • Create an empty directory for your extra in the src/streamlit_extras directory
  • Add a file to give in some metadata so we can automatically showcase your extra in the hub!

  • If your function is new, and doesn't yet exist on PyPi, here's an example of how to add it:

    # extras/<extra_name>/
    from .. import extra
    @extra  # this will register your function's extra
    def my_main_function():
    def example():
    __title__ = "Great title!"  # title of your extra!
    __desc__ = "Great description"  # description of your extra!
    __icon__ = "🔭"  # give your extra an icon!
    __examples__ = [example]  # create some examples to show how cool your extra is!
    __author__ = "Eva Jensen"
    __experimental_playground__ = False # Optional

    To test it out, run pip install -e . in the streamlit-extras directory, and then run the gallery/ app.

  • If your extra already exists on github and pypi:

    # extras/<extra_name>/
    from my_package import my_main_function
    from .. import extra
    my_main_function = extra(my_main_function)
    def example():
    __title__ = "Great title!"  # title of your extra!
    __desc__ = "Great description"  # description of your extra!
    __icon__ = "🔭"  # give your extra an icon!
    __examples__ = [example]  # create some examples to show how cool your extra is!
    __author__ = "Eva Jensen"
    __pypi_name__ = "my-cool-package"
    __package_name__ = "my_package"
    __github_repo__ = "evajensen/my-repo" # Optional
    __streamlit_cloud_url__ = "" # Optional
    __experimental_playground__ = False # Optional

    Then add my_package to the list of dependencies in pyproject.toml

  • You can also add a "featured-extra" badge to your original if you like!

  • If you'd like to test that your package has all the required fields, you can run poetry run pytest from the repository

  • You can set up linting to standardize your code by running pre-commit install, which will then check the formatting of the files you added
  • Submit a PR!

If you are having troubles, create an issue on the repo or DM me on Twitter!